Edit Inspection/ Switch To Office Mode

POSM users can toggle between Life Field Capture Mode and Office Digital Capture Mode. Live field capture mode is used when a user is creating a new inspection and videoing a new line segment. Office mode enables a user to go back and edit an inspection’s observation/s and other data.
To switch modes, go to Edit Preferences from the Main Screen. Then choose the Global Capture Mode at the bottom of the window.

Switch TO Digital Capture Mode Confirmation

Office Mode automatically turns on the computer generated text overlay. If you do not wish to add new overlay text to new or updated observations you can turn off the software overlay by going to Edit Preferences/Text Overlay and unchecking Enable Software Overlay.

Office Mode Inspection Window
Edit Observation

To edit an observation, Press Start Session button in Office Mode to open the session up to editing. Then use the video controls to pause the video at the location the observation occurs (a new picture is created when an observation is edited). Right click on the observation in the upper right pane of the Inspection Screen. Then choose Edit. Correct the observation then press the Edit Observation button to apply the edit.
New observations can also be created in Office Mode. Pause the video where the observation ours, then select the observation from the Observation Drop Down Window. Fill in the necessary information. Fill in the distance field with the distance that was recorded on the video. Once all information is correct press Add Observation button.

Edit Observation Continued
Enter Distance